Everyone needs to read/know this.
The Social Media Generation by Marc Maron
"Have you ever had that moment when you’re updating your status… And you realise that every status update is just a variation on a single request:Would someone please acknowledge me?”
"We’re all adults but emotionally, we’re a culture of seven-year-olds."
Credits to Hui En for this! :D
Damn, that comic strip is so true. Unknowingly, we've all became slaves/addicts to social media. I too, am guilty of it as well ): I got an instagram account recently and after reading that comic, I realised that I was exactly like that guy, waiting for likes on my pictures. I was constantly checking it and with each like, I found myself smiling, enjoying the virtual attention that people gave to me. But in reality, people probably looked at my picture for 2 seconds, double click on it for a 'like' and move on to the next picture.
Before I launch a whole "we-should-stop-using-technology-so-much, look-around-at-the-people-around-you-instead-of-your-phone" tirade, y'all probably get what im saying right? Its hard to just drop all these technology/social media and leave it behind but we should make more conscientious effort to pay more attention to the people around us.
Getting back on track to this week's revelation!
Not literally. But it was pretty amazing because i read a lot of stuff online and this saves me sooooo much time.
Let me enlighten you what this is. The above logo is the RSS sign aka Rich Site Summary. Its basically like a subscription button except that you don't have to pay for subscription heh! All the latest updates from all the different sites that you subcribe too will end up on your google page. Or whichever account that you used. It can be google, bloglines, newsgator or yahoo.
This video from youtube explains more about what the RSS is and how to use it.
Trust me, this thing really is addictive!
I wouldn't say that the Internet has changed the world because it isn't entirely true. What about 3rd world countries that have no access to the Internet? Or the tribes that are still living the way they have been more than a century ago? The Internet is only changing the lifestyle and interaction of the people living in 1st world countries. It has allowed us to be professional 'stalkers' I'd say. Im sure everyone is guilty of stalking that cute guy/girl in class or the ex that you have not gotten over yet.
Stalking people aside, social media has allowed many of us to have access to instantaneous news. Things like the Boston bombing, floodings in SG malls etc, we get it right away. We no longer have to wait for Channel 5 news at 9pm to find out things that are going on around us.
However, all these are not without its cons. Research has shown that kids nowadays have a shorten attention span as compared to before. Children these generation no longer play with Barbie dolls and lego blocks, instead, they are all playing apps on an Apple product. They are so much better at using an iPhone as compared to my elderly aunt. In my opinion, i feel that this may lead to a lack of creativity.
As I've said before above, it is impossible to completely cut yourself of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc, etc. All these platforms has enabled us to stay connected (in one way or another) despite our busy schedules. There are always two sides to a coin and therefore, moderation is of utmost importance!
Do not become an addict, guys. Nobody likes one.
So now, i'll leave you with Joseph's brooding to laughing face! (PS, it was because of Caroline, so cute!)
Till next week.
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