heheheheh finally reflections!!
Well, reading about what people have to say is fun. So is the commenting part. Blogging stuffs are a drag, no offence. But because i dont really like writing generally. I mean i can blab about stuffs but when it comes to academic writing, my mind just turns blank. Lazy brain i have, I know.
Honestly, i do enjoy doing this module. It has shown me so many things about the Internet. And to think i thought i already knew enough about the Internet. My first thought when i saw the name of the module was "whattttttt, UB is making me waste my money. Again!" Because well, intro to Internet, i think my parents are the ones in need of taking this module haha!
I like the fact that the lecturer shows a lot of videos during lectures rather than just talking non stop for 1.5 hours. I feel that I learn a lot more because, lets face it, videos are a lot more interesting and exciting to watch rather than to listen to your lecturers talk. (No offence to any lecturers, i know you all try your best to make it interesting but we're just wired to like animation/videos more. Im sorry!!! T_T )
One of the few important takeaways from this module is ebusiness! I am now confident of opening my own blogshop now that i know what makes a good website. And also internet security, how not to get scammed and of course, how to prevent viruses from attacking my precious Apple laptop (so expensive btw.)
Thats all i have Mr Choy and fellow classmates! No more next time tehee! (:
You have an APPLE laptop now?! haha YAY! that IS great news! I sound so shallow! >< haha :)