Well, reading about what people have to say is fun. So is the commenting part. Blogging stuffs are a drag, no offence. But because i dont really like writing generally. I mean i can blab about stuffs but when it comes to academic writing, my mind just turns blank. Lazy brain i have, I know.
Honestly, i do enjoy doing this module. It has shown me so many things about the Internet. And to think i thought i already knew enough about the Internet. My first thought when i saw the name of the module was "whattttttt, UB is making me waste my money. Again!" Because well, intro to Internet, i think my parents are the ones in need of taking this module haha!
I like the fact that the lecturer shows a lot of videos during lectures rather than just talking non stop for 1.5 hours. I feel that I learn a lot more because, lets face it, videos are a lot more interesting and exciting to watch rather than to listen to your lecturers talk. (No offence to any lecturers, i know you all try your best to make it interesting but we're just wired to like animation/videos more. Im sorry!!! T_T )
One of the few important takeaways from this module is ebusiness! I am now confident of opening my own blogshop now that i know what makes a good website. And also internet security, how not to get scammed and of course, how to prevent viruses from attacking my precious Apple laptop (so expensive btw.)
Thats all i have Mr Choy and fellow classmates! No more next time tehee! (:
One very prominent figured that has successfully used to Internet Tools is Barack Obama. He is one tech savvy politician and I would say that he won the elections partly due to it. He is one of the first politician who so actively used Twitter and Youtube to connect with people. And the people are lovin' it! It somehow bridges the gap and makes the people feel closer to the president. This also makes the younger generation more interested in him because they are finally able to relate and also partly because the younger generation is very active on social media websites. This proves successful because Obama won the past two presidential elections and most of the votes were from people under the age of 35.
Obama's twitter has currently over 40 million followers today, More than any politicians in the world. He keeps his twitter updated regularly every single day with posts about the country and the things he supports. His Youtube account has over 500,000 subscribers and all these platform are used to engage with the people. He also organises Q&A sessions on Youtube to further reach out to his people.
Okay, enough about Obama. I pretty sure you get how cool/awesome he is as a politician. How about something closer to home? The 2012 Singapore elections. I was never interested in the politics but then it flooded the television, radio and so many of the social media websites. I could not avoid it even if I wanted too. And then in school, suddenly everyyyonneee was so knowledgeable about it. Facebook was particularly prominent because everyone was posting about different political parties and their view on it.
However, this might be quite a bad thing. For people who doesn't know much about the elections or have particularly strong opinions about it, they might be swayed into voting for someone they dont really know about.
All in all, I feel that the Internet is good for politics. It gives the whole thing a more human touch somehow in my opinion. It also allows the younger generation to find out more infomation about as we all know, gen-y kids dont really like reading the paper.
Check out the new interactive PlayStation 4 by Sony! Warning: you would totally wanna get one after watching the video cause I know what I want for Christmas already.
augmented reality
a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.
The above video is therefore considered as augmented reality. Its basically interacting with cute little robots besides the playing of video games on the playstation.
Multimedia has came a long way from the pixelated consoles such as the Atari 2600 that came from the 1970s which feature games that requires the imagination of the players to think what each pixel represents, to Nintendo Entertainment System which has cartoon like graphics and bit sounds and now, the Playstation 4 which exceeds what we had never expected multimedia could have ever achieved. It not only features interactive motion detectors, but it can also play games that has graphics that is life-like and also produces tremendous sound quality. I am thoroughly impressed how far multimedia has come.
First: some video game in Atari 2600
Second: Mario Brothers game
Third: Call of Duty.
Fourth: The Last of Us
Look at how the graphics of multi media has evolved over the years. See how realistic the faces of the characters are in the Last of Us.
are many various steps that one can take when it comes to increasing the
privacy on your laptops, phones or any devices that one uses to connect to the
Internet. However, after doing some research, I have cross
referenced all the data that I found online and came up with the six most
effective steps. There was much information available online in how to increase
your privacy but these are the simpler and recurring ones but they serve as
well as the more complicated ones. These steps are taken to shield yourself against
potential hackers and identity thieves and in some way, the government.
1) Hide in the network.
Implement hidden services such as Tor.
Tor is a free software that is available online for enabling online anonymity. What the program Tor does it that it directs Internet traffic
through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than three
thousand relaysto conceal a
user's location or usage from anyone conductingnetwork surveillanceortraffic
analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace your Internet activity,
including "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other
communication forms", back to the user. Anyone can use
this to conceal their identity and Internet activity from most surveillance and
traffic analysis. This can also be used to protect users against the amazingly
brazen efforts by commercial companies to track the customers’ online
Another option for becoming anonymous online
is logging on through a personal virtual network. Software programs such asproXPN VPNandHMA! Pro VPNcreates
a secure, encrypted Internet connection and masked IP address for a home
computer, laptop or any other devices. The software can act as an extra layer
of protection if one is going online over a public Wifi network at a coffee
shop or airport, which might not be password protected.
email programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Gmail already have built-in
encryption. So do websites that use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
which is the latest communications security protocol. One can tell whether a
website has HTTPS protection by looking at the site's URL in the browser's
address bar. If the URL starts with "https" instead of
"http" it has an extra protection, called secure socket layer (SSL),
built in. Sites with HTTPS encrypt personal data and other sensitive
information that users may share on the site. What the Transport Layer Security(TLS)
and its predecessor,Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is, is that they arecryptographic protocolsthat are designed to provide communicationsecurityover the Internet. They useX.509certificates and henceasymmetric cryptographytoassure
the counterpartywhom they are
talking with, and to exchange asymmetric key. This session key is then used to encrypt data flowing
between the parties. Another method to go tothe Electronic
Frontier Foundation websiteto
download extensions for Chrome and Firefox that add HTTPS protection to the browser
regardless of the sites that one visits.
3) Shield your IP address.
encrypting all the important data, the next step is to shield your IP address.
The most effective way to do so is to download software programs such as
AnchorFree'sHotspot ShieldorEasy-Hide-IP thatmask
any device's IP address. Both programs have been proven to render all the
devices undetectable by the NSA, hackers, police, Internet service providers,
or anyone else bascially.
4)Shop online with a virtual or
single-use credit card number.
or virtual shopping is the ‘in’ thing these days. Everyone is buying everything
off the Internet because it is so much more convenient. The only downside is
that one had to wait a few days for the delivery to arrive. It saves one the
trouble, effort, time and cost of travelling to buy something that they can get
off the web. This is the reason why the Bank of America'sShopSafeand
Citibank'sVirtual Account Numbersprograms
came about. These programs are created to shield customers' account information
by generating a virtual credit card or single-use credit card number for online
purchases. The virtual cards may be good for a single purchase or pre-set
period of time. This prevents hackers and scammers from getting one’s credit
card information.
5)Keep anti-virus updated.
Everyone hates what the updating of
the anti-virus does to their computers, but if one does not have anti-virus,
anti-spyware and anti-phishing software on the devices they use to connect to
the Internet, chances of them getting hacked are a lot higher.
your stuff
What one can do is routinely monitor
their bank statements, credit card bills and other accounts so if hackers or
identity thieves have used your information. When you can spot it, take the
necessary steps to correct it. Credit card companies also do monitor customer
accounts for potentially fraudulent activity. But ultimately, it is up to
oneself to pay attention to your own accounts.
And there you have it, 6 easy steps to shield yourself on the Internet. Hope it helps!
Till next time.
Back in my poly days, everyone looks forward to eLearning week because it meant 1 week of holiday for all of us. I never really understood the use of eLearning until now. Here is my list of pros for using eLearning:
More Flexible – eLearning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule. Unlike public scheduled and in-house training, you don’t have to dedicate an entire day to the training that has been organised by the school. Instead, you will have a set amount of learning, normally divided into modules, with a deadline in which to do them in. This way, if you want to do all of the learning in one day as you work better this way, you can. However if your schedule doesn’t allow you an entire day off your everyday tasks – then you can easily spend an hour or 2 here and there at times that suit you.
Mobile – As eLearning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones – it is a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or any other time that could normally be wasted. Whilst you used to be confined to the classroom, the whole world can now be your classroom.
No Travel– As just mentioned, eLearning can be done wherever you have a device capable of doing so. Therefore again you can fit it in to your schedule, but also save money on the costs of travel. Furthermore, it saves the time getting dressed and travelling to school!
Lower cost – As you aren’t using a trainer’s time or any room or equipment, eLearning tends to be the much cheaper option. If you already have a device capable of carrying out the training on, then the savings can be considerable. Therefore if you and your company are on a budget, this can be the ideal option for you. Equally for companies that have thousands of employees then it can reduce the cost per head especially on areas such as Money Laundering, Compliance and Microsoft Office training.
Tailor it to you– eLearning courses aren’t confined to be fixed to try and suit the needs of the majority. If you feel you already know a particular area well and don’t need to spend an hour on it again, then you can skim over it and concentrate that time on something you feel you need to work more at. Everyone is able to learn at their own pace – a massive factor that only eLearning can provide for.
However, all these are not without its cons:
Lack of Control– Learners with low motivation tend to fall behind when using eLearning as there are no set times to be doing it and they are responsible for the organisation themselves. A lack of routine or fixed schedule can mean eLearning becomes complicated with various deadlines often given to different people at different stages of their learning.
Learning Approach – It doesn’t appeal to all learning styles so some learners will not enjoy the experience – especially strong activists and pragmatists. It is still a challenge to make eLearning appeal fully to these groups as different people learn better or worse using different styles. Some may prefer images, some prefer just reading words and some prefer to talk about or actually do a task in order to learn.
Isolated – A lot of questions are a lot easily answered when face to face with someone when you can guarantee an instant answer. eLearning often doesn’t allow that with trainers often having to answer numerous questions all of the time and only doing it within working hours – where a lot of learners may prefer to do their learning out of working hours. This feeling of isolation can often demotivate individuals as they feel they don’t have the support and reassurance that the physical presence of a trainer or friend provides.
Technology Issues – With heavy reliance on computers that eLearning brings, comes the potential risks that comes with it. Firstly, you need to ensure that all learners have a device that is able to support the training modules. Some eLearning tools require software such as Flash that devices like iPads don’t support. So all requirements need to be set out at the beginning. Poor internet connection and unavoidable general random faults also can interrupt learning and so need to be planned around. This is especially true if it is a global roll out as Internet connections and power reliability changes dramatically between countries.
The internet has made many things easier such as communicating with friends and family and banking. In these examples the internet saves time which in this day and age is a big convenience. The internet has allowed the development on online businesses which sell their products to a worldwide audience. Online businesses don’t have overheads associated with a shop front meaning they often have lower prices than a traditional shop. However lower prices don’t always mean you are getting the best value or that it will be the most convenient shopping experience. I have a love hate relationship with businesses that are online. I mean, people used to have to leave the house to go out and shop and buy things. And these small shopping trips, unknowingly, give you some form of exercise (or at least i believe so). You have to walk, climb stairs and maybe perspire a little because you're on the sunny island of Singapore.
This happens to ALL of us, sadly.
With most of the businesses going online, my level of laziness has increased. Im turning more and more into a sloth each day.
Here's a list of the pros Ive came up with of eBusiness and Online Shopping:
1. You dont have to leave the house and you can doing your shopping in your PJs.
2. No perspiring, no squeezing with the crowd, NO QUEUES.
3. All your stuff, delivered to your door step.
4. There is soooo many thing available online. You can get food to clothes to even cotton buds. 5. Everything is sorted so nicely for you online, no need to flip through the racks of clothes individually. 6. For the really shy people, NO need to speak to the sales people to find your size! And no one trying to talk you into additional purchases. 7. Its open, 24/7.
Okay, maybe i have more love for online shopping than expected. I guess what makes a good website to shop at is the interface. Compare these two clothing shops http://www.lovebonito.com/ vs http://fashionmartini.livejournal.com/ Lovebonito seems so much more professional and its so must easier to navigate doesn't it? Another important thing to note is the checkout process. Why? Because studies have shown that a whopping 63% of online orders collapse after people add products or services to their shopping carts.
When your checkout is easy to use:
less visitors get frustrated and leave before paying
more visitors who start out thinking "maybe", end up clicking ‘buy’
people keep coming back for more AND tell their friends about you too
you spend less time and money fixing customer problems.
A lot of research has been done to find out what makes a good web checkout. Here’s what online shopper/s say (aka ME):
Make it quick The fewer clicks the better. Ask customers for the minimum information you need and only ask once. Offer a “Save for later” option so they can come back and finish another time.
Avoid surprises Half way through checkout, don’t tell your customers they need to create an account to continue. And don’t try to sell them something extra or better.
Provide information at every step From the start of checkout, all the way to the end, show the cost including tax and delivery charges. And provide details on your delivery and payment options.
Be clear and detailed Give customers all the details they need during checkout and when you confirm their payment – including delivery charges, returns policy, how to contact customer service, etc.
Instill trust People are more likely to buy if they know their personal and financial information is secure. So display a trusted payment option like Paypal on your homepage and through checkout.
So what are the other things you feel make a blogshop good? Do leave some comments! (:
Nowadays, Networking isn't just going out for drinks or coffee with people and hope that they would give you business. That still works for maybe the contractors who mostly speak hokkien and uses that phone just to call and text. (Maybe im being stereotypical but hey, you get what I mean) .
Because of the rise of the Internet, many people and businesses have made used of that platform to expand their network. This is called social networking. It makes the world more open and connected.
Social Media is probably one of the easiest topic to blog about since my generation uses it e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. It can be the equivalent of insulin to a diabetic person. Social Media allows us to express ourselves, allows anonymity, and because it is so diverse, the possibilities are endless. Heres a picture that explains the different type of social media in a nut shell!
Social Media has become massively popular in recent years and for good reasons. There are a lot of benefits from using social media. While not everyone will agree that it is a good thing and that there certainly are some cons to it, on the whole, it would be fair to say that the benefits outweigh the negatives. This is a big part of why social media has become so popular.
The main pro of social media is that it allows you to interact with far more people than you would otherwise be able to. This means that you can be exposed to a far wider array of opinions than you normally would be able to. Furthermore, you will be able to share your opinions with so much more people.
These interactions have certainly made the world smaller since the Internet has allowed people to connect with one another so much easier. That being said, there are people like me for example, who only interact with the people I know in real life over the Internet. This could be due to my upbringing with my parents constantly drilling to me that the Internet is a scary place and that I should not talk to strangers.
Another great benefit of the social media is that it makes it so much easier to organize events. In the past, getting the information out to the people was such a chore. Nowadays, with things like Facebook Events, all one has to do is to type the details of the event into the box and invite all their friends to the event and voila! The word is out and all you have to do is to wait for people to RSVP to the event.
However, this is not all perfect. One of the setbacks about this is, how to prevent the people that you dont like from turning up to your event? How do you stop them from seeing the event on fb? Despite this setback, it is definitely one of the easiest and fastest way to get the word of an event out.
A lot of people are starting to use social networking for business reasons and this is proving to be one of the most valuable uses of the internet. Social networking is just another means to network and its open news that networking is critical for things like finding a job. This is why we are starting to see a rise of sites that specifically for networking professional reasons. The advantage here would be that once again, you would be able to network with a lot more people that you would normally do in person.
Perhaps the best reason for social networking is that it is fun. People can and do spend hours a day on social networking sites interacting with their friends. It is a good way to stay in touch and to find out what is going on in their lives. In addition, there are all kinds of games and similar things that you can do on these sites. There isn't really a useful purpose for using social media, but you use it simply because you enjoy using it. Ultimately, this is why most people use it.
This is probably the scariest thing one can say to a gen-y kid. haha!
"Have you ever had that moment when you’re updating your status… And you realise that every status update is just a variation on a single request:Would someone please acknowledge me?”
"We’re all adults but emotionally, we’re a culture of seven-year-olds."
Credits to Hui En for this! :D
Damn, that comic strip is so true. Unknowingly, we've all became slaves/addicts to social media. I too, am guilty of it as well ): I got an instagram account recently and after reading that comic, I realised that I was exactly like that guy, waiting for likes on my pictures. I was constantly checking it and with each like, I found myself smiling, enjoying the virtual attention that people gave to me. But in reality, people probably looked at my picture for 2 seconds, double click on it for a 'like' and move on to the next picture.
Before I launch a whole "we-should-stop-using-technology-so-much, look-around-at-the-people-around-you-instead-of-your-phone" tirade, y'all probably get what im saying right? Its hard to just drop all these technology/social media and leave it behind but we should make more conscientious effort to pay more attention to the people around us.
Getting back on track to this week's revelation!
Not literally. But it was pretty amazing because i read a lot of stuff online and this saves me sooooo much time.
Let me enlighten you what this is. The above logo is the RSS sign aka Rich Site Summary. Its basically like a subscription button except that you don't have to pay for subscription heh! All the latest updates from all the different sites that you subcribe too will end up on your google page. Or whichever account that you used. It can be google, bloglines, newsgator or yahoo.
This video from youtube explains more about what the RSS is and how to use it.
Trust me, this thing really is addictive!
I wouldn't say that the Internet has changed the world because it isn't entirely true. What about 3rd world countries that have no access to the Internet? Or the tribes that are still living the way they have been more than a century ago? The Internet is only changing the lifestyle and interaction of the people living in 1st world countries. It has allowed us to be professional 'stalkers' I'd say. Im sure everyone is guilty of stalking that cute guy/girl in class or the ex that you have not gotten over yet.
Stalking people aside, social media has allowed many of us to have access to instantaneous news. Things like the Boston bombing, floodings in SG malls etc, we get it right away. We no longer have to wait for Channel 5 news at 9pm to find out things that are going on around us.
However, all these are not without its cons. Research has shown that kids nowadays have a shorten attention span as compared to before. Children these generation no longer play with Barbie dolls and lego blocks, instead, they are all playing apps on an Apple product. They are so much better at using an iPhone as compared to my elderly aunt. In my opinion, i feel that this may lead to a lack of creativity.
As I've said before above, it is impossible to completely cut yourself of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc, etc. All these platforms has enabled us to stay connected (in one way or another) despite our busy schedules. There are always two sides to a coin and therefore, moderation is of utmost importance!
Do not become an addict, guys. Nobody likes one.
So now, i'll leave you with Joseph's brooding to laughing face! (PS, it was because of Caroline, so cute!)
To be honest, I thought that this module was a hoax. I mean, Introduction to Internet? Only people like my parents should be required to take this class. I thought i knew all about the Internet since, I started using it when I was in primary school.
This picture came to mind when I saw the name of this module. haha. However, just after the first class. My mind was kinda blown away by the sheer statistics. Some examples are:
167 MILLION people shopped online this year
20% of them purchasing stuffs within a social media site
40% of twitter users search for products via Twitter
Lastly, 60% of people said they are willing to post about the product/service online if they get a deal or discount.
Sound effect of mind getting blown. Belt is so cute! (From The Croods)
I am aware that the more and more people are buying/selling stuffs online using blogs and websites. But i definitely was not aware that people are using twitter to search for products! Or maybe because im not one of them. Im usually looking for stuffs via google or a friend's recommendation.
There is definitely a power shift going on. Everything is on the internet now. If you have a shop (selling idk, anything and everything?) but not a website, you're definitely going to lose out. Plus its not that hard to maintain a twitter account, a Facebook account, a Linkedin account, a blog or webpage.. Okay maybe that is a lot but it's gonna give you an edge thats for sure!
However, im not quite sure if i like this whole shifting onto the internet thing. I still prefer trying on my clothes or shoes first before buying the product and thats a major problem if i were to shop on the internet because looks are deceiving! (Yes, i was disappointed by something i ordered online before ): ) Also, you gotta wait for a few days before the goods come.
Then again, blogshopping allows me to shop in the comfort of my home and PJs, given that im such a sloth. For those who dont get that i mean, I find travelling to Vivo shopping mall far and i stay about 10 stops away from it. It is far.
Arghhh, such is life. Always torn between choices.
So now, i leave you with Jensen's contemplating face! :D